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Reorder meeting preferences from an exhibition booking. The resulting meeting preferences will have their order field set starting from 1 and incremented in the order of items provided in the input.


  • A full list of all meeting preference identifiers of the specified type must be provided. The order of identifiers in the list will be the order of the meeting preferences after reordering.
  • The meeting preferences to be reordered must not include any that are marked as "excluded".
  • The meeting preferences must all be of the same type.
  • The meeting preferences must all be from the same exhibition booking.
  • You must always re-order all meeting preferences for the same exhibition booking (that is you cannot reorder a partial list of meeting preferences).

Throws an error with code:

  • 'BAD_USER_INPUT' if the input's ids field is empty.
  • BAD_USER_INPUT if any of the input identifiers refer to meeting preference marked as "excluded".
  • BAD_USER_INPUT if any of the input identifiers refer to meeting preference of a different type.
  • BAD_USER_INPUT if there is a mismatch between the number of identifiers in the input and the number of meeting preferences stored in EventsAir for the exhibition booking and the input eventId.
input: ReorderExhibitionBookingMeetingPreferencesInput!
): ReorderExhibitionBookingMeetingPreferencesPayload!


reorderExhibitionBookingMeetingPreferences.input ● ReorderExhibitionBookingMeetingPreferencesInput! non-null input


ReorderExhibitionBookingMeetingPreferencesPayload object

Payload when reordering meeting preferences from an exhibition booking.