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Defines the input to create a new function guest. The guest details are captured for the purposes of attending the function and are not stored as contacts in EventsAir.

input CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput {
email: EmailAddress
firstName: String
lastName: String
organization: String
position: String
ticketCollectedDate: DateTime
title: String

Fields ● EmailAddress scalar

The email address of the guest. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.firstName ● String scalar

The first name of the guest. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.lastName ● String scalar

The last name of the guest. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.organization ● String scalar

The organization of the guest. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.position ● String scalar

The position of the guest. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.ticketCollectedDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time when the guest's ticket was collected. Optional.

CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput.title ● String scalar

The title of the guest. Optional.

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CreateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input ● CreateFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input ● CreateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input