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Defines the input to create a new function guest that is mapped to an existing contact in EventsAir.

input CreateContactFunctionGuestInput {
contactId: ID!
isBookingContactOnly: Boolean
ticketCollectedDate: DateTime


CreateContactFunctionGuestInput.contactId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of an existing contact.

CreateContactFunctionGuestInput.isBookingContactOnly ● Boolean scalar

A Boolean value indicating whether this guest contact is a booking contact only and will not be attending the function. false by default. Optional.

Note: For a "booking only contact" the contactId must be the same as the contactId of the associated function registration.

CreateContactFunctionGuestInput.ticketCollectedDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time when the guest's ticket was collected. Optional.

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CreateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithContactGuestsInput input ● CreateFunctionRegistrationWithContactGuestsInput input ● CreateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithContactGuestsInput input