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Defines the input for creating a session.

input CreateSessionInput {
backgroundColor: HexColorCode
comment: String
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
date: LocalDate
details: String
end: LocalTime
eventId: ID!
expectedAttendees: Int
name: String!
overview: String
roomSetup: String
sessionBlockId: ID
showBoldTitle: Boolean
start: LocalTime
textColor: HexColorCode
uniqueCode: String


CreateSessionInput.backgroundColor ● HexColorCode scalar

The hex color code to use for the background when rendering the session in the agenda. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.comment ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string comment for the session. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to create for the session. Optional. ● LocalDate scalar

The date the session will occur. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.details ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string that provides a description of the session. It is not displayed publicly and is intended to be used by event organizers. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.end ● LocalTime scalar

The time the session will end. Optional.

If this session is scheduled within a concurrent session block (by specifying sessionBlockId) then end can be used to override the ending time for the session as long as it falls within the start and end times of the concurrent session block.

CreateSessionInput.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the event the session is associated with.

CreateSessionInput.expectedAttendees ● Int scalar

The number of attendees expected for the session. Optional. ● String! non-null scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the name of a session.

CreateSessionInput.overview ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string that provides a brief overview of the session that is displayed in the agenda. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.roomSetup ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string detailing the room setup for a session such as information about seating, podium and other room layout options. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.sessionBlockId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the concurrent session block the session is linked to. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.showBoldTitle ● Boolean scalar

A Boolean value indicating whether the title should be bold when rendering the session in the agenda. false by default. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.start ● LocalTime scalar

The time the session will start. Optional.

If this session is scheduled within a concurrent session block (by specifying sessionBlockId) then start can be used to override the starting time for the session as long as it falls within the start and end times of the concurrent session block.

CreateSessionInput.textColor ● HexColorCode scalar

The hex color code to use when rendering the session's text in the agenda. Optional.

CreateSessionInput.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the session. Optional.

The value must be unique across all sessions for an event.

Member Of

createSession mutation