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Defines the input for updating a course registration in a continuing education contact store.

input UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput {
attendanceStatus: CourseAttendanceStatus
ceContactStoreId: ID!
comment: String
courseFeeTypeId: ID
courseRegistrationId: ID!
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
dateTime: DateTime
discountCodeId: ID
grade: String
itineraryConfiguration: CourseRegistrationItineraryConfigurationInput
paymentDetails: UpdatePaymentDetailsInput
score: NonNegativeFloat
tickets: PositiveInt


UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.attendanceStatus ● CourseAttendanceStatus enum

The attendee's attendance status for the course. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.ceContactStoreId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the continuing education contact store the course registration is associated with.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.comment ● String scalar

Comment for the course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.courseFeeTypeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the course fee type for the course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.courseRegistrationId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the course registration.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to create or update for the course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.dateTime ● DateTime scalar

The date and time that the course registration occurred. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.discountCodeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the discount code to apply to the course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.grade ● String scalar

The grade the attendee received for the course. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.itineraryConfiguration ● CourseRegistrationItineraryConfigurationInput input

The itinerary configuration for this course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.paymentDetails ● UpdatePaymentDetailsInput input

The payment details for the course registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreCourseRegistrationInput.score ● NonNegativeFloat scalar

The score the attendee received for the course. Optional. ● PositiveInt scalar

The number of tickets to register. Optional.

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updateCeContactStoreCourseRegistration mutation