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Defines the input for updating a course sub classification in a membership contact store.

input UpdateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassificationInput {
courseSubClassificationId: ID!
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
membershipContactStoreId: ID!
name: String
uniqueCode: String


UpdateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassificationInput.courseSubClassificationId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the course sub classification.

UpdateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassificationInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to create or update for the course sub classification. Optional.

UpdateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassificationInput.membershipContactStoreId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the membership contact store the course sub classification is associated with. ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the name of the course sub classification. Optional.

UpdateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassificationInput.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the course sub classification. Optional.

The value must be unique across all course sub classifications for a course classification.

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updateMembershipContactStoreCourseSubClassification mutation