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Defines the input details for updating a function registration in a continuing education contact store without capturing information for any guests.

input UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput {
ceContactStoreId: ID!
contactId: ID!
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
discountCodeId: ID
functionFeeTypeId: ID
functionRegistrationId: ID!
paymentDetails: UpdatePaymentDetailsInput
temporaryHoldContextId: ID
tickets: PositiveInt


UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.ceContactStoreId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the continuing education contact store the function is associated with.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.contactId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the contact.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to update or create for the function registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.discountCodeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the discount code to apply to the registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.functionFeeTypeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the function fee type for the registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.functionRegistrationId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the function registration.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.paymentDetails ● UpdatePaymentDetailsInput input

The payment details for the registration. Optional.

UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationInput.temporaryHoldContextId ● ID scalar

A user-defined identifier representing the context for any previously created holds. If this field is specified, any outstanding hold on the registration and its discount code will automatically be released when the registration is successfully updated. Optional. ● PositiveInt scalar

The number of tickets to register. Optional.

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updateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistration mutation