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Defines the input to create function guests or update existing guests. The guest details are captured for the purposes of attending the function and are not stored as contacts in EventsAir.

input UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput {
email: EmailAddress
firstName: String
id: ID
lastName: String
organization: String
position: String
ticketCollectedDate: DateTime
title: String

Fields ● EmailAddress scalar

The email address of the guest. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.firstName ● String scalar

The first name of the guest. Optional. ● ID scalar

The identifier of the guest. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.lastName ● String scalar

The last name of the guest. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.organization ● String scalar

The organization of the guest. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.position ● String scalar

The position of the guest. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.ticketCollectedDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time when the guest's ticket was collected. Optional.

UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput.title ● String scalar

The title of the guest. Optional.

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UpdateCeContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input ● UpdateFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input ● UpdateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationWithBasicGuestsInput input