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Defines the input for updating a presentation.

input UpdatePresentationInput {
affiliations: [UpdatePresentationAuthorAffiliationInput!]
attachedDocumentIds: [ID!] @deprecated
attachedDocuments: [UpdatePresentationAttachedDocumentInput!]
authors: [UpdatePresentationAuthorInput!]
biography: String
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
eventId: ID!
keywordIds: [ID!]
paperNumber: NonNegativeInt
paperReference: String
paperStatusId: ID
presentationId: ID!
presentationTypeId: ID
sessionId: ID
subThemeId: ID
themeId: ID
title: String


UpdatePresentationInput.affiliations ● [UpdatePresentationAuthorAffiliationInput!] list input

The affiliations to create/update against the presentation. Optional.

Passing null or an empty list will remove all the affiliations from the presentation. Omitting the input value entirely will keep the existing affiliations as-is.

UpdatePresentationInput.attachedDocumentIds ● [ID!] deprecated list scalar


Use attachedDocuments instead. This input field will be removed in a future release.

The identifiers of the documents to associate with the presentation. Optional.

Passing null or an empty list will remove all the attached documents from the presentation. Omitting the input value entirely will keep the existing attached documents as-is.

UpdatePresentationInput.attachedDocuments ● [UpdatePresentationAttachedDocumentInput!] list input

The authors to create/update against the presentation. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.authors ● [UpdatePresentationAuthorInput!] list input

The authors to create/update against the presentation. Optional.

Passing null or an empty list will remove all the authors from the presentation. Omitting the input value entirely will keep the existing authors as-is.

UpdatePresentationInput.biography ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string that represents the biography of the contact presenting the presentation. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to create or update for the presentation. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the event the presentation is associated with.

UpdatePresentationInput.keywordIds ● [ID!] list scalar

The identifiers of the keywords to associate with the presentation. Optional.

Passing null or an empty list will remove all the keywords from the presentation. Omitting the input value entirely will keep the existing keywords as-is.

UpdatePresentationInput.paperNumber ● NonNegativeInt scalar

The paper's number. Optional.

Will default to 0 if set to null.

UpdatePresentationInput.paperReference ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string representing a reference to a paper. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.paperStatusId ● ID scalar

The status of the presentation. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.presentationId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the presentation.

UpdatePresentationInput.presentationTypeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the presentation type. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.sessionId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the session the presentation is scheduled to run in. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.subThemeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the sub-theme for the presentation. Optional.

The sub-theme must be related to the specified or existing theme.

UpdatePresentationInput.themeId ● ID scalar

The identifier of the theme for the presentation. Optional.

UpdatePresentationInput.title ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the title of a presentation. Optional.

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updatePresentation mutation