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Defines an activity/break agenda item.

type ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem implements EventAgendaItem {
backgroundColor: HexColorCode
comment: String
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
date: LocalDate!
details: String
end: LocalTime!
id: ID!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
name: String!
overview: String
showBoldName: Boolean!
start: LocalTime!
textColor: HexColorCode
tracks: [Track!]!
type: EventAgendaItemType!
uniqueCode: String


ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.backgroundColor ● HexColorCode scalar

The hex color code to use for the background when rendering the activity/break in the agenda. Optional.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.comment ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string comment for the activity/break. Optional.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional. ● LocalDate! non-null scalar

The date the activity/break will occur.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.details ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string that provides a description of the activity/break. It is not displayed publicly and is intended to be used by event organizers. Optional.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.end ● LocalTime! non-null scalar

The time the activity/break will end. ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for the activity/break.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional. ● String! non-null scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the activity/break.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.overview ● String scalar

A UTF-8 string that provides a brief overview of the activity/break that is displayed in the agenda. Optional.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.showBoldName ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether the name should be bold when rendering the activity/break in the agenda. false by default.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.start ● LocalTime! non-null scalar

The time the activity/break will start.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.textColor ● HexColorCode scalar

The hex color code to use when rendering the activity/break's text in the agenda. Optional.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.tracks ● [Track!]! non-null object

The tracks associated with the activity/break.

If the activity/break is allocated to a single track, the single track will be returned. If the activity/break session spans multiple tracks, all tracks that it spans will be returned.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.type ● EventAgendaItemType! non-null enum

A value indicating the type of the agenda item. Returns EventAgendaItemType.ACTIVITY_BREAK.

ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the activity/break. Optional.

The value must be unique across all activities/breaks for an event.


EventAgendaItem interface

An item which occupies a timeslot in the agenda.