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Represents an EventsAir membership contact store.

type MembershipContactStore {
accessRights: AccessRights!
alias: String!
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Event!]!
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [CommunicationTag!]!
id: ID!
): MembershipContactStoreContact!
input: MembershipContactStoreContactSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MembershipContactStoreContact!]!
country: String
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MembershipContactStoreCourseRegistration!]!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
currencies: [Currency!]!
customFieldDefinitions: MembershipContactStoreScopedCustomFieldDefinitions!
input: CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [CustomField!]!
defaultCurrency: Currency!
emailMessagingService: EmailMessagingService
input: FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration!]!
id: ID!
id: ID!
): Invoice!
invoiceConfiguration: InvoiceConfiguration
input: InvoiceSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Invoice!]!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
id: ID!
): Link!
links: [Link!]!
logo: Image
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MembershipContactStoreMarketingRecord!]!
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MergeDocument!]!
name: String!
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [MembershipContactStoreNote!]!
office: Office!
onlinePaymentServices: OnlinePaymentServices!
id: ID!
): Payment!
input: PaymentSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Payment!]!
setup: MembershipContactStoreSetup!
state: String
textMessagingService: TextMessagingService
timezone: TimeZone!
uniqueCode: String
userAccessRights: UserAccessRights! @deprecated


MembershipContactStore.accessRights ● AccessRights! non-null object

Indicates which users or API keys in EventsAir can access this membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.alias ● String! non-null scalar

A UTF-8 alphanumeric string representing an alias for a membership contact store. The alias is used as part of the URL for websites.

An alias can only contain lower-case, alphameric and hyphen characters: [a-z0-9-].

MembershipContactStore.associatedEvents ● [Event!]! non-null object

A list of events associated with this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.associatedEvents.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.associatedEvents.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.communicationTags ● [CommunicationTag!]! non-null object

A list of communication tags for this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.communicationTags.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.communicationTags.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● MembershipContactStoreContact! non-null object

Retrieves a contact by its identifier. Throws an error with code NOT_FOUND if no contact is found. ● ID! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.contacts ● [MembershipContactStoreContact!]! non-null object

Contacts for this membership contact store that match the filter criteria specified in the optional input argument.

By default, inactive contacts are not returned. To include inactive contacts in the result set, set input.contactFilter.includeInactive to true.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).

Note: the offset argument must be a multiple of the limit argument otherwise an error will be thrown. The following table shows examples of valid and invalid argument value combinations.

limitoffsetIs valid?
1000✅ Yes
100100✅ Yes
100120❌ No
50100✅ Yes
5075❌ No
250750✅ Yes
3399✅ Yes
33100❌ No

Throws an error with code:

  • BAD_USER_INPUT if the offset argument is not a multiple of the limit argument
  • BAD_USER_INPUT if all fields in the input have a combined total number of values exceeding 1,000
MembershipContactStore.contacts.input ● MembershipContactStoreContactSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStore.contacts.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.contacts.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● String scalar

The name of the country for the membership contact store. For example The United States of America. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.courseRegistrations ● [MembershipContactStoreCourseRegistration!]! non-null object

The course registrations for this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.courseRegistrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.courseRegistrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

MembershipContactStore.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.currencies ● [Currency!]! non-null object

A list of supported currencies for the membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.customFieldDefinitions ● MembershipContactStoreScopedCustomFieldDefinitions! non-null object

A list of custom field definitions associated with this membership contact store. The provided key identifies which type of object the fields relate too.

MembershipContactStore.customFields ● [CustomField!]! non-null object

A list of custom field values associated with this membership contact store.

CustomFields and CustomFieldDefinitions can be matched through the definitionId and id fields, respectively.

See CustomFieldSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter custom fields.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.customFields.input ● CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStore.customFields.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.customFields.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.defaultCurrency ● Currency! non-null object

A default currency for the membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.emailMessagingService ● EmailMessagingService object

The external connected service integrated with this membership contact store for email messaging. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.functionRegistrations ● [MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration!]! non-null object

A list of function registrations for this membership contact store.

See FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput for details on how the input argument can be used to filter function registrations.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.functionRegistrations.input ● FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStore.functionRegistrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.functionRegistrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for a membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.invoice ● Invoice! non-null object

Retrieves an invoice by its identifier. Throws an error with code NOT_FOUND if no invoice is found. ● ID! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.invoiceConfiguration ● InvoiceConfiguration object

Specifies the configuration of invoices for this membership contact store. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.invoices ● [Invoice!]! non-null object

Invoices for this membership contact store that match the filter criteria specified in the optional input argument.

See InvoiceSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter invoices.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.invoices.input ● InvoiceSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStore.invoices.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.invoices.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

MembershipContactStore.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional.

Retrieves a link by its identifier. Throws an error with code NOT_FOUND if no link is found. ● ID! non-null scalar

The list of links for this membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.logo ● Image object

The logo for the membership contact store. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.marketingRecords ● [MembershipContactStoreMarketingRecord!]! non-null object

The marketing records for this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.marketingRecords.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.marketingRecords.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.mergeDocuments ● [MergeDocument!]! non-null object

A list of Merge Documents for this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.mergeDocuments.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.mergeDocuments.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the name of a membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.notes ● [MembershipContactStoreNote!]! non-null object

The notes for this membership contact store.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.notes.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.notes.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● Office! non-null object

The office that manages the membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.onlinePaymentServices ● OnlinePaymentServices! non-null object

The external connected services integrated with this membership contact store for online payment processing.

MembershipContactStore.payment ● Payment! non-null object

Retrieves a payment by its identifier. Throws an error with code NOT_FOUND if no payment is found. ● ID! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.payments ● [Payment!]! non-null object

Payments for this membership contact store that match the filter criteria specified in the optional input argument.

See PaymentSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter payments.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStore.payments.input ● PaymentSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStore.payments.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStore.payments.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStore.setup ● MembershipContactStoreSetup! non-null object

The setup for the membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.state ● String scalar

The state, territory or province for the membership contact store. For example New York. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.textMessagingService ● TextMessagingService object

The external connected service integrated with this membership contact store for text messaging. Optional.

MembershipContactStore.timezone ● TimeZone! non-null scalar

The timezone for the membership contact store.

MembershipContactStore.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the membership contact store. Optional.

The value must be unique across all membership contact stores and events for a tenant.

MembershipContactStore.userAccessRights ● UserAccessRights! deprecated non-null object


Use accessRights instead. This field will be removed in a future release.

Indicates which users in EventsAir can access this membership contact store.

Returned By

membershipContactStore query ● membershipContactStores query

Member Of

UpdateMembershipContactStorePayload object

Implemented By

ContactDataStore union