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Function registration encapsulates information about the attendee and the options selected when registering to attend the function in a membership contact store.

type MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration {
contact: MembershipContactStoreContact!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
input: CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [CustomField!]!
fee: Fee!
feeType: FunctionFeeType!
function: MembershipContactStoreFunction!
guests: [MembershipContactStoreFunctionGuest!]!
id: ID!
isGroupInventory: Boolean!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
paymentDetails: FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails!
tickets: PositiveInt!

Fields ● MembershipContactStoreContact! non-null object

The contact who registered.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.customFields ● [CustomField!]! non-null object

A list of custom field values associated with this function registration.

CustomFields and CustomFieldDefinitions can be matched through the definitionId and id fields, respectively.

See CustomFieldSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter custom fields.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.customFields.input ● CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! non-null input
MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.customFields.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.customFields.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.fee ● Fee! non-null object

The fee including both the amount and currency.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.feeType ● FunctionFeeType! non-null object

The fee type that applied to the function registration.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.function ● MembershipContactStoreFunction! non-null object

The function this function registration pertains to.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.guests ● [MembershipContactStoreFunctionGuest!]! non-null object

A list of function guests. ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for a function registration.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.isGroupInventory ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether the function registration is inventory being held for a group on a Group Co-ordinator.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional.

MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration.paymentDetails ● FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails! non-null object

The payment details for the registration. ● PositiveInt! non-null scalar

The number of tickets registered.

Member Of

CancelMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationPayload object ● CreateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationPayload object ● MembershipContactStore object ● MembershipContactStoreContact object ● MembershipContactStoreFunction object ● RestoreMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationPayload object ● UpdateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationPayload object ● UpdateMembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistrationStatusPayload object