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Defines information about the track an agenda item is associated with.

An agenda is often separated into more than one "track" to allow attendees to choose from multiple simultaneous sessions.

type Track {
heading: TrackHeading
number: PositiveInt!


Track.heading ● TrackHeading object

The heading for a track displayed in the agenda. Optional.

Track.number ● PositiveInt! non-null scalar

The track number. This can be a value between 1-99.

Member Of

ActivityBreakAttendanceAgendaItem object ● ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem object ● AttendanceAgendaItem interface ● CeContactStoreFunction object ● EventAgendaItem interface ● Function object ● FunctionEventAgendaItem object ● HeadingEventAgendaItem object ● InformationEventAgendaItem object ● MembershipContactStoreFunction object ● Session object ● SessionAttendanceAgendaItem object ● SessionEventAgendaItem object