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Represents the details of a function registration payment. Includes the status, discount, adjustment, tax and total charge.

type FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails {
adjustmentAmount: Float!
discountAmount: Float!
discountCode: FunctionDiscountCode
paymentStatus: PaymentStatus!
taxAmount: Float!
totalChargeAmount: Float!


FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.adjustmentAmount ● Float! non-null scalar

An adjustment applied to the fee amount.

FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.discountAmount ● Float! non-null scalar

A discount applied to the fee amount.

FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.discountCode ● FunctionDiscountCode object

The discount code used during the function registration. Optional.

FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.paymentStatus ● PaymentStatus! non-null enum

The payment status.

FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.taxAmount ● Float! non-null scalar

The amount of tax applied to the fee.

FunctionRegistrationPaymentDetails.totalChargeAmount ● Float! non-null scalar

The total amount that will be charged, in the fee's currency.

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CeContactStoreFunctionRegistration object ● FunctionRegistration object ● MembershipContactStoreFunctionRegistration object