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Registration types are the categories for attendees to register under.

Many different registration types can be created as required. For example:

  • Early, regular and late attendee registrations
  • Staff registration
  • Exhibitor and speaker registration
  • VIP registration
  • Exhibition hall only registration
type RegistrationType {
allowsVirtualAttendees: Boolean!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
creditHours: Float!
input: CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [CustomField!]!
fees: [Fee!]!
group: RegistrationGroup!
id: ID!
includedPackages: [EventPackage!]!
inventory: RegistrationTypeInventory!
isAccompanyingPersonRegistration: Boolean!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
meetingSettings: RegistrationTypeMeetingSettings
name: String!
paymentStatuses: [PaymentStatus!]!
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Registration!]!
uniqueCode: String


RegistrationType.allowsVirtualAttendees ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether this registration type allows attendees to attend virtually. false by default.

RegistrationType.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

RegistrationType.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional.

RegistrationType.creditHours ● Float! non-null scalar

The number of credit hours for the registration type.

RegistrationType.customFields ● [CustomField!]! non-null object

A list of custom field values associated with this registration type.

CustomFields and CustomFieldDefinitions can be matched through the definitionId and id fields, respectively.

See CustomFieldSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter custom fields.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
RegistrationType.customFields.input ● CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! non-null input
RegistrationType.customFields.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
RegistrationType.customFields.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

RegistrationType.fees ● [Fee!]! non-null object

The fees charged for this registration type for the event. Each item in the collection represents the fee for a specific currency. If there is no charge, the collection will contain a single item that has an amount of zero. Only enabled fees will be returned. ● RegistrationGroup! non-null object

The registration group this registration type belongs to. ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for a registration type.

RegistrationType.includedPackages ● [EventPackage!]! non-null object

A list of packages included with this registration type. An empty list indicates that no packages have been included.

RegistrationType.inventory ● RegistrationTypeInventory! non-null object

The inventory for this Registration Type.

RegistrationType.isAccompanyingPersonRegistration ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether the registration type is for an accompanying person/spouse/partner. false by default.

If true EventsAir will keep this registration type associated with the primary registrant.

RegistrationType.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

RegistrationType.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional.

RegistrationType.meetingSettings ● RegistrationTypeMeetingSettings object

The meeting settings associated with this registration type. Optional.

This will return null if the Meeting Diary feature is disabled for the registration type. ● String! non-null scalar

A UTF-8 string representing the name of the registration type.

RegistrationType.paymentStatuses ● [PaymentStatus!]! non-null enum

A list of valid payment statuses for this registration type.

RegistrationType.registrations ● [Registration!]! non-null object

A list of registrations for this registration type.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
RegistrationType.registrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
RegistrationType.registrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

RegistrationType.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the registration type. Optional.

The value must be unique across all registration types for an event.

Member Of

Registration object ● RegistrationDiscountCodeApplicability object ● RegistrationSetup object