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Encapsulates information about a contact in EventsAir.

type Contact {
input: AgendaItemAttendanceSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [AgendaItemAttendance!]!
associatedContactStoreContact: AssociatedContactStoreContact
billing: BillingContact
biography: String
checkInDate: DateTime
checkOutDate: DateTime
contactPhoneNumbers: ContactPhoneNumbers
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [EventCourseRegistration!]!
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
input: CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [CustomField!]!
department: String
dietary: Dietary
input: ExhibitionBookingSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [ExhibitionBooking!]!
externalIdentifier: String
firstName: String
input: FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [FunctionRegistration!]!
group: ContactGroup
input: HotelBookingSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [HotelBooking!]!
id: ID!
inactiveSince: DateTime
internalNumber: PositiveInt!
isAnonymized: Boolean!
jobTitle: String
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
lastName: String
marketingPrivacy: ContactMarketingPrivacyStatus!
input: MarketingSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [EventMarketingRecord!]!
middleName: String
input: NoteSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [EventNote!]!
onlineUser: OnlineUser!
organizationName: String
photo: Image
preferredName: ContactPreferredName
input: PresentationSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Presentation!]!
primaryAddress: ContactAddress
primaryEmail: EmailAddress
input: RegistrationSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Registration!]!
secondaryAddress: ContactAddress
socialMedia: ContactSocialMedia
input: SponsorshipSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [Sponsorship!]!
suffix: String
taxNumber: String
title: String
input: TravelBookingSearchFilterInput! = [object Object]
limit: PaginationLimit! = 100
offset: NonNegativeInt! = 0
): [TravelBooking!]!
useSecondaryAddress: Boolean!
userDefinedField1: String
userDefinedField2: String
userDefinedField3: String
userDefinedField4: String
website: String
workPhone: String


Contact.agendaItemAttendances ● [AgendaItemAttendance!]! non-null object

Agenda item attendances for this contact that match the filter criteria specified in the optional input argument.

See AgendaItemAttendanceSearchFilterInput for details on how the input argument can be used to filter agenda item attendances.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).

Throws an error with code: BAD_USER_INPUT if all fields in the input arguments have a combined total number of values exceeding 1,000

Contact.agendaItemAttendances.input ● AgendaItemAttendanceSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.agendaItemAttendances.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.agendaItemAttendances.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.associatedContactStoreContact ● AssociatedContactStoreContact union

Specifies the type of contact store contact associated with this contact. Optional.

Contact.billing ● BillingContact object

The billing details of the contact. Optional.

Contact.biography ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the biography of the contact. Optional.

Contact.checkInDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time the contact checked into the event. Optional.

Contact.checkOutDate ● DateTime scalar

The date and time the contact checked out of the event. Optional.

Contact.contactPhoneNumbers ● ContactPhoneNumbers object

The contact's phone numbers. Optional.

Contact.courseRegistrations ● [EventCourseRegistration!]! non-null object

The course registrations for this contact.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.courseRegistrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.courseRegistrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

Contact.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional.

Contact.customFields ● [CustomField!]! non-null object

A list of custom field values associated with this contact.

CustomFields and CustomFieldDefinitions can be matched through the definitionId and id fields, respectively.

See CustomFieldSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter custom fields.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.customFields.input ● CustomFieldSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.customFields.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.customFields.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.department ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the department of the contact. Optional.

Contact.dietary ● Dietary object

The dietary information for this contact. Optional.

Contact.exhibitionBookings ● [ExhibitionBooking!]! non-null object

The exhibitions that the contact has booked.

See ExhibitionBookingSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter exhibition bookings.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.exhibitionBookings.input ● ExhibitionBookingSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.exhibitionBookings.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.exhibitionBookings.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.externalIdentifier ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the external identifier of the contact. Optional.

Contact.firstName ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the first name of the contact. Optional.

Contact.functionRegistrations ● [FunctionRegistration!]! non-null object

The function registrations for this contact.

See FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput for details on how the input argument can be used to filter function registrations.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.functionRegistrations.input ● FunctionRegistrationSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.functionRegistrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.functionRegistrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● ContactGroup object

The group that the contact belongs to. Optional.

Contact.hotelBookings ● [HotelBooking!]! non-null object

The hotel bookings for this contact.

See HotelBookingSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter hotel bookings.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.hotelBookings.input ● HotelBookingSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.hotelBookings.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.hotelBookings.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier for the contact.

Contact.inactiveSince ● DateTime scalar

The date and time since a contact has been inactive. Optional.

A null value means the contact is not inactive.

Contact.internalNumber ● PositiveInt! non-null scalar

An event-scoped human readable ID number for a contact that is automatically generated by EventsAir.

Contact.isAnonymized ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether the contact is anonymized.

Contact.jobTitle ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the job title of the contact. Optional.

Contact.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

Contact.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional.

Contact.lastName ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the last name of the contact. Optional, unless neither primaryEmail or organizationName are specified.

Contact.marketingPrivacy ● ContactMarketingPrivacyStatus! non-null enum

Represents the preference of the contact with regard to marketing material.

Contact.marketingRecords ● [EventMarketingRecord!]! non-null object

The marketing records for this contact.

See MarketingSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter marketing records.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.marketingRecords.input ● MarketingSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.marketingRecords.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.marketingRecords.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.middleName ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the middle name of the contact. Optional.

Contact.notes ● [EventNote!]! non-null object

The notes for this contact.

See NoteSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter notes.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.notes.input ● NoteSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.notes.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.notes.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.onlineUser ● OnlineUser! non-null object

The online user details for the contact.

Contact.organizationName ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the organization name of the contact. Optional, unless neither lastName or primaryEmail are specified. ● Image object

The photo for the contact. Optional.

Contact.preferredName ● ContactPreferredName object

Contact's preferred name details. Optional.

Contact.presentations ● [Presentation!]! non-null object

The presentations for this contact.

See PresentationSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter presentations.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.presentations.input ● PresentationSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.presentations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.presentations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.primaryAddress ● ContactAddress object

The contact's primary address. Optional.

Contact.primaryEmail ● EmailAddress scalar

The contact's primary email address. Optional, unless neither lastName or organizationName are specified.

Contact.registrations ● [Registration!]! non-null object

The registrations for this contact.

See RegistrationSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter registrations.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.registrations.input ● RegistrationSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.registrations.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.registrations.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.secondaryAddress ● ContactAddress object

The contact's secondary address. Optional.

Contact.socialMedia ● ContactSocialMedia object

The social media details for the contact. Optional.

Contact.sponsorships ● [Sponsorship!]! non-null object

The sponsorships for this contact.

See SponsorshipSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter sponsorships.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.sponsorships.input ● SponsorshipSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.sponsorships.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.sponsorships.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.suffix ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the name suffix for this contact. Optional.

Contact.taxNumber ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the tax number for this contact. Optional.

Contact.title ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the title of the contact's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr. Optional.

Contact.travelBookings ● [TravelBooking!]! non-null object

The travel bookings for this contact.

See TravelBookingSearchFilterInput for details on how the optional input argument can be used to filter travel bookings.

Optionally, the offset and limit arguments can be used to page through multiple items:

  • offset must be a non-negative integer (defaults to 0).
  • limit must be a positive integer from 1 to 2000 (defaults to 100).
Contact.travelBookings.input ● TravelBookingSearchFilterInput! non-null input
Contact.travelBookings.limit ● PaginationLimit! non-null scalar
Contact.travelBookings.offset ● NonNegativeInt! non-null scalar

Contact.useSecondaryAddress ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating that the contact’s secondary address should be used instead of the primary address.

Contact.userDefinedField1 ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the user defined field 1 of the contact. Optional.

Contact.userDefinedField2 ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the user defined field 2 of the contact. Optional.

Contact.userDefinedField3 ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the user defined field 3 of the contact. Optional.

Contact.userDefinedField4 ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the user defined field 4 of the contact. Optional. ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the website of the contact. Optional.

Contact.workPhone ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the contact's work phone number. Optional.

Member Of

AgendaItemAttendance object ● CeContactStoreContact object ● ContactGroup object ● ContactStoreContact object ● CreateContactPayload object ● Event object ● EventCourseInstructor object ● EventCourseRegistration object ● EventMarketingRecord object ● EventNote object ● ExhibitionBooking object ● FunctionAttendance object ● FunctionRegistration object ● HotelBooking object ● Invoice object ● MembershipContactStoreContact object ● MembershipRegistration object ● PayableItem object ● Payment object ● Presentation object ● Registration object ● SessionAttendance object ● SessionRoleAssignment object ● Sponsorship object ● TravelBooking object ● UpdateContactBillingPayload object ● UpdateContactDetailsPayload object

Implemented By

AuthorContact union ● FunctionGuestContact union